
This section is a Q&A on various verbosemanager-related topics.

Q. What is verbosemanager?
A. verbosemanager is a module revolving around the VerboseManager class, which provides tools for managing complex processes.
Q. What do you mean by ‘complex process’?
A. By ‘complex process’ I mean one that takes a particularly long time or consists of multiple smaller sub-processes; essentially, any algorithm that does enough that you’d like to know what’s going on as it runs, or assess the individual parts of it from the user side.
Q. Why should I use this instead of another progress bar module?
A. Existing modules, like tqdm or progressbar2 are amazing (I think tqdm’s efficient iterable wrapping is genius) but I felt like they’d both taken the niche of progress bars for iterables. This module is instead designed for long, user-facing algorithms, such as those in scientific software.